Keeping Protected Farmland in Agricultural Production While Promoting Farmland Access: This one-pager outlines the Option to Purchase at Agricultural Value program and how it can be supported in Connecticut.
Economic Impacts of Connecticut’s Agricultural Industry: This report, released in September 2017, is an update to an earlier report published in 2010. It examines the economic benefits that CT agriculture provides in output, jobs, and quality of life.
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Planning for Agriculture: This guide, newly revised in 2020, helps towns proactively plan for the future of agriculture. It covers a broad range of tools available to help local governments, including those in urban, suburban, and rural parts of the state address the economic and land use needs of farmers and help create a supportive atmosphere for agriculture.
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Conservation Options for CT Farmland: Conservation Options for Connecticut Farmland, newly revised in 2020, describes farmland protection options and programs available in Connecticut and answers some frequently asked questions about agricultural conservation easements. It is intended for landowners, land trusts, and municipalities. Download Guide

Farmland ConneCTions: This guide is intended to help communities, land trusts, and institutions who are interested in leasing their farmland. The guide walks through the legal and practical considerations and provides case studies of successful efforts around the state.
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Northeast Agriculture: An Overlooked Economic Engine: This publication by Farm Credit East presents the findings of a UConn study on the economic impact of agriculture on the larger economy within the Northeast. The report highlights the economic and community benefits of a healthy agricultural sector.
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New England Food Policy: Building a Sustainable Food System: This comprehensive report will help citizens, agencies, and policymakers in identifying supportive policies and areas where new or changed policies may be needed to help New England expand its food production, strengthen its agricultural economy, and enhance multi-state cooperation.
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New England Food Vision: This collaborative report considers the future of our region and sets a bold vision, calling for New England to dramatically increase its food production to meet 50% of the region’s needs by 2060.
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Zoning Regulations for Livestock Best Practices: A publication by CT Resource Conservation and Development that gives municipalities guidance on how to locally regulate and zone for livestock raised for either production agriculture or personal use. This updated 2019 publication is intended to provide guidance to municipalities drafting land-use regulations related to livestock.
Organizations and Online Resources:
CT Department of Agriculture: CT Department of Agriculture’s website includes information on their farmland preservation and other programs, as well as grant opportunities for farmers, land trusts, non-profits, and municipalities.
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American Farmland Trust: Visit AFT’s site for information about federal farm policy, national and regional farmland preservation policy initiatives, and links to numerous AFT publications from around the country.
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Farmland Information Center: The Farmland Information Center (FIC), a partnership between AFT and NRCS, is a clearinghouse for information about farmland protection and stewardship. Visit Website
CT Farm Bureau: The CT Farm Bureau website includes important information on their legislative efforts and advocacy work on behalf of CT farmers, resources such as the PA 490 guide, and information on upcoming events and training sessions.
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CT Farmland Trust: CT Farmland Trust’s website contains resources for landowners interested in permanently protecting their working lands.
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CT NOFA: CT NOFA’s ‘Healthy Farms, Healthy Food, Healthy People’ site includes many resources for people interested in sourcing local foods and keeping our farms and our families healthy.
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USDA –Natural Resources Conservation Service: The NRCS-CT webpage includes information on federal farmland protection efforts, plus financial assistance and technical resources for agricultural producers.
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Legislative One-Pagers